• Barcelona Comerç | Barcelona Shopping City | Barcelona Shopping City
Barcelona Shopping City

Barcelona Comerç


One city, 22 shopping districts, 25,000 shops and 19 years of history.

A not-for-profit organisation that has been working to preserve and give impetus to Barcelona’s local neighbourhood shops since 2004.

Barcelona Comerç brings together 22 local shops, more than 5,000 associate shops and more than 25,000 retail establishments. Its mission is to preserve and give impetus to Barcelona’s local shops and to contribute to improving, promoting, training and modernising the city’s retail sector.

The organisation wants to increase the reach of the city’s shops and their links to the different neighbourhoods and other entities, to the region, the country and the rest of the world. It represents local shops to local government bodies and institutions in our city and region.

There are five words that define the commitment of Barcelona Comerç to the city: excellence, competitiveness, professionalism, sustainability and responsibility.