• 13 th Parade with Hats | Barcelona Shopping City
  • 13 th Parade with Hats | Barcelona Shopping City
  • 13 th Parade with Hats | Barcelona Shopping City
  • 13 th Parade with Hats | Barcelona Shopping City
  • 13 th Parade with Hats | Barcelona Shopping City
  • 13 th Parade with Hats | Barcelona Shopping City

13 th Parade with Hats

On Sunday, 30 April between 12 and 2 pm, the Rambla Catalunya will become a unique setting, making Barcelona the world capital of hats for a few hours.

A meeting in which thousands of people wear their hats.  From the most crazy hats, to the most discreet and elegant, from the largest to the smallest. Everything goes, not only the classic hat, but also caps, fascinators, turbans, large and small, haute couture or made out of cardboard.

The Parade with Hats was originally inspired in the New York Easter Parade, but over the years it has gained its own personality. It has even been a source of inspiration for similar events in the rest of Spain and the world.

Come with your hat and enjoy a fun, colorful morning in Rambla de Catalunya, one of the most emblematic avenues of  Barcelona!

More info:


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