• L’Occitane in Barcelona | Barcelona Shopping City
  • L’Occitane in Barcelona | Barcelona Shopping City
  • L’Occitane in Barcelona | Barcelona Shopping City

L’Occitane in Barcelona

From the Barcelona Shopping City-Shopping Line we would like to welcome L’Occitane, the world-renowned range of beauty products made with natural ingredients from Provence.

The brand was created by Oliver Baussan who, at the age of 23, bought a distillation still and began extracting rosemary essential oil to sell at local markets. His endeavours met with great success and he decided to set up a company that would revive the traditions of his region inspired by Mediterranean well-being and customs.

Since 1976, L’Occitane has promoted the Mediterranean art de vivre and its Provençal heritage, to create natural fragrances and high-quality products combining efficiency, sensory properties and respect for humankind and the environment. It has remained true to its core values of sensoriality, authenticity and the use of natural ingredients.

The brand has expanded and extended its product range, while retaining the values and traditions of the region, and attained worldwide recognition and prestige.

Personalised skin-care analysis, gift ideas, treatments, perfumes and much, much more at L’Occitane boutiques in Barcelona.

Gran de Gràcia, 76 / Rambla Cataluña, 61 / Santa Anna, 6

More info: http://es.loccitane.com/


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