• Christmas traditions | Barcelona Shopping City
  • Christmas traditions | Barcelona Shopping City
  • Christmas traditions | Barcelona Shopping City

Christmas traditions

Try the Christmas Menus
On 25th December families get together to eat a typical dish, escudella i carn d’olla, a soup with snail-shaped pieces of pasta called galets, accompanied by meat and vegetables.

On 26th December, Saint Stephen’s Day, we eat cannelloni, pasta stuffed with meat, rolled up and covered in béchamel sauce and with grated cheese sprinkled on top. Cannelloni used to be made to use up the leftover chicken from Christmas Day and this is how this delicious dish was born.

Kings’ Cake
Kings’ cake is a ring-shaped pastry stuffed with marzipan eaten after lunch on Kings’ Day. The Kings’ cake hides two surprises: a dried broad bean and a figurine, normally one of the three kings. If you find the figurine in your piece of cake, you get to wear a golden paper crown and you’ll be proclaimed king of the party. If you find the dried broad bean, however, you get to pay for the cake. Good luck

The Yule Log
The yule log, or Tió, “poops” small presents and sweets on Christmas if we beat it with a stick and sing it a song. There are lots of them on sale at the Christmas markets in all sizes and with different decorations.

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